Events for
August 25th - 27th 2017
Visit our WEBSITE for information on CLASSES, Following is information about things happening this weekend at Vishnu's Couch, along with other local and upcoming events:
ACIM Lesson of the Day
Click the following link, and leave your comments or subscribe if you wish
August 25th - 27th 2017
Visit our WEBSITE for information on CLASSES, Following is information about things happening this weekend at Vishnu's Couch, along with other local and upcoming events:
ACIM Lesson of the Day
Click the following link, and leave your comments or subscribe if you wish
Conversation Night
An open conversation over some soup and snacks (potluck style)
We'll sink our teeth into some deep interesting topics, soup du jour, and snacks,
with the goal of respectfully sharing our various points of view with each other,
and having some good clean fun!
What is "PEACE" really, can we ALL have it, and if so,
how can we best achieve it on an individual as well as a global level?
how can we best achieve it on an individual as well as a global level?
Date: Friday, August 25th, 2017
Time: 8:00pm (optional: bring a dish or snack)
Optional: Come early for a Group Meditation from 7:30 - 8:00pm
Hope to see you there. 

Vishnu's Couch Yoga Studio presents
Six-Hour Silent Meditation Retreat and Satsang
Saturday and Sunday, August 26th. and 27th
from Noon - 6:00pm each day.
Vishnu's Couch Yoga Studio
61 Prospect Ave. 4th Floor
Binghamton, NY 13901
Seeing that meditation is the most effective means for significant beneficial change in our lives and in the world, simply because it improves the functioning of our most important tool--the brain, and because it is the easiest to implement, we offer this opportunity to dive deeper and marinate longer in the blissful silence of meditation.
The day will consist mostly of sitting meditation punctuated by:
rest, relaxation, sound meditation, pranayama, gentle asanas, Satsang, walking meditation, and a light vegan Soup-du-jour. The retreat goes from Noon to 6:00 pm. Join in at any time and stay for as long as you would like.
Suggested Donation $20/day
Register online at
For additional info, please contact Edmond at:
607.232.6410, or
-----------Other Local Events---------
Raja Yoga and Satsang
Raja Yoga is the royal yoga that brings the nature of our True Self to our awareness. This awareness cannot be gained through perception or intellectual knowledge, it can only be known through cognition, like the knowledge that I am, that I exist, it needs no proof, but without this knowing, the experience remains limited and misunderstood. Come join us as we explore our True Self through:
Silence, Meditation, Breathing, and gentle relaxing Postures.
at the Indian Cultural Center (ICC) building
1595 Route 26, Vestal NY
Sundays 8:30-10:00am
with Yogi Edmond
Drop-In Cost: $15.00
or $40.00 / month
Bring your own yoga mat
For more information
Call: 232-6410 or e-mail:
Unity In the Southern Tier
August 27th, at 11:30 am
Speaker: Rick Gridley
Topic: TBD
30 Main Street, Binghamton
For more information, contact:
visit the website: Unity in the Southern Tier
Theosophical Society Study Group
-----------Upcoming Events----------
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