Events for  
Oct. 14th - 16th 2016

Visit our website for information on Classes,  Note:  Following is information about tings happening this weekend at Vishnu's Couch, along with other local and upcoming events: 

ACIM Lesson of the Day
Click the following link, and leave your comments or subscribe if you wish

Movie Night
Movie:  Transcendent Man
Date:    Friday, October 14th 2016
Time:   8:00pm   (optional:  bring a dish or snack)
Optional:    Yoga and the Movie   ...  Yoga from 5:30 - 7:30

Transcendent Man:  Youtube Trailer

Staring:  Ray Kurzweil
Directed by: Barry Ptolemy, Felicia Ptolemy
Produced by:  Barry Ptolemy, Felicia Ptolemy
Genre:  Documentary
Running time:  83 min.

Transcendent Man is a documentary film by filmmaker Barry Ptolemy. The film chronicles the life and ideas of Ray Kurzweil, inventor, futurist, and author of The Singularity is Near. Transcendent Man presents his vision of technological singularity, the point in the future in which technology will be advancing so rapidly that humans will have to enhance themselves with artificial intelligence in order to keep up. Kurzweil predicts the dawning of a new civilization in which humans will no longer be dependent upon their physical bodies, will become trillions of times more intelligent, and lose the ability to distinguish between real and virtual reality. Kurzweil believes this will cause human aging and illness to be reversed, world hunger and poverty to be solved, and death to be “cured”. Critics accuse him of being too optimistic, and argue that the dangers of the Singularity far outweigh the benefits, pointing out the apocalyptic implications that once machines achieve consciousness, humanity may not be able to control them.  Transcendent Man features discussions with and commentary by over 15 prominent scientific, political, and celebrity figures including Ray Kurzweil, Colin Powell, Stevie Wonder and William Shatner..
....Hope  to see you there.

 Vishnu's Couch is pleased to present:
A Weekly Dance Wave Class
with Pamela Moss

Starting Saturday, October 15th 2016
from 4:00 to 5:15pm
Vishnu's Couch Yoga Studio
61 Prospect Ave. 4th floor.

What is Dance Wave?   A weekly space to move however your body wants to.
To go within. To be present. To play. To connect with others, without words.
To let yourself be MOVED by a WAVE of great music from around the world: slow and meditative to fast and exhilarating and then down again. Whooosh!
1 hour of dancing followed by optional sharing circle.

Payment by donation.

For more information, please call Pamela at (607) 372-1676

Group Meditation
Sunday, Oct. 16th.
1:00 - 2:15pm

The musical toning by Tom Kenyon entitled:

This is a special meditation to facilitate the release of stress.

followed by:

Knowledge Cinema
Matt Kahn

Matt Kahn is a spiritual teacher and highly-attuned empathic healer.  His spontaneous awakening arose out of an out-of-body experience at the age of 8, and his direct experiences with ascended masters and archangels throughout his life.  He is a bridge between the mystical realms and the path of awakening who inspires profound spiritual growth and life-changing energetic expansion to audiences worldwide through a spoken transmission of presence.  For more information, visit Matt at,

-----------Other Local Events---------

Psychic Medium Readings
by Pamela Olivia Brown

For the month of October 2016
20 minute readings for $20

Email for appointment

Raja Yoga and Satsang
Raja Yoga is the royal yoga that brings the nature of our True Self to our awareness.  This awareness cannot be gained through perception or intellectual knowledge, it can only be known through cognition, like the knowledge that I am, that I exist, it needs no proof, but without this knowing, the experience remains limited and misunderstood.  Come join us as we explore our True Self through:  
Silence, Meditation, Breathing, and gentle relaxing Postures.

at the Indian Cultural Center (ICC) building
1595 Route 26, Vestal NY

Sundays  8:30-10:00am
with Edmond Cotton

Cost:  $10.00

Bring your own yoga mat

For more information
Call:  232-6410 or e-mail:

Unity In the Southern Tier

September 11th, at 11:30 am
Speaker:  Tim Hamm

30 Main Street, Binghamton

For more information, contact:
Barb Parcells: or visit the website: Unity in the Southern Tier

Theosophical Society Study Group
meetings every alternate
 Tuesday at 8:00pm 
Next meeting Oct 25th

Vishnu's Couch Yoga Studio
61 Prospect Ave. 4th floor.
For more info, contact Tom:

-----------Upcoming Events----------

Gong and Sound Immersion 

October 19, 2016  7 pm to 8 pm
Endicott Visitors Center, 300 Lincoln Ave, Endicott, NY 13760
Suggested Donation $ 15.00

Bring mat, blanket and pillow if you would like to lay down (chairs are also available) 
and let the sound take you away!
Doors open at 6:30

​Experience the resonating sounds of the Gongs and Tibetan Singing Bowls that induce a state of spontaneous meditation and relaxation.  These effects promote vitality, healing, and open the consciousness for transformation.

Listeners often experience a sense of connectedness and peace as the sacred sound of the Gongs and Bowls clear blockages and restore the free flow of vital energy throughout the body.  With its ability to induce a spontaneous meditative state, the gong offers listeners access to parts of the mind that are usually closed, resulting in a sense of expanded awareness and higher consciousness. Sound Healing is often used to rebalance, tone and bring harmony to the physical, emotional and spiritual bodies.

A Gong Bath provides an excellent therapy for stress related issues, depression,
fatigue, anger & hostility, feelings of fear, separation and loneliness, along with
many other conditions related to the lack of balance & harmony in the body.

--- Also ---

Speaker and Booth at
Sustainable Health Expo, Owego Treadway Inn
October 29, 2016,  9 am to 3 pm
Free admission

10:00-10:45 - Promoting Wellness using Sound, PEMF Therapy, Emotion Code and Net Neutral Ionic Tools with Jeff Gregory 
Various techniques and tools will be demonstrated that you can use to bring the body back into balance.  Is there a stuck emotion at the root of your problem?

http:// sustainablehealthexpony.webs. com/
For more information call 
Jeff Gregory 607-206-1127

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