Vishnu's Couch Events March 14th, 2025

Events for
March 14 - 16th, 2025

Quote of the Week
"Remember, when you learn the rules of the game
--that you are a result of thought, and that this is a law within your universe--
all you need do is think of how you want to be, and so you shall be."
Barbara Marciniak, "Bringers of the Dawn "  p124

Conversation Night
Friday, March 14th at 7:30pm 
An open conversation over some soup and snacks (potluck style) 
We'll sink our teeth into some deep interesting topics, soup du jour, and snacks, 
with the goal of respectfully sharing our various points of view with each other!   
Topic: Can you imagine what it means to have no cares, no worries,
no anxieties, but merely to be perfectly calm and quiet all the time? 
What would be required for one to have such an experience?
Hope to see you there!  ☺

Group Meditation
Sunday, February 16th, from 2:00 - 3:00pm
Musical toning from Tom Kenyon's CD entitled:
followed by:
Live Kirtan
Hope to see you there!  ☺

-----------Other Local Events----------

Veteran's for Peace, Peace Action, and Friends present:
A viewing of the award winning documentary What I Want You to Know
Saturday March 15th
The documentary can be viewed online at at 4pm, or join us at Cafe Liuga Haus (81 Clinton St, Binghamton 13905) around 3:15 pm to socialize and purchase some deliciousness before the documentary (90 minutes).  Show starts, promptly at 4pm.  Afterwards we'll listen to the Q&A, or more likely have our own discussion.

30 Main St., Binghamton. 
Sunday, March 16th
Service begins at 11:30 am in the Eden Room 
Feel free to come early and join Unity folks and FCC congregants for
coffee, snacks and social time, which starts at 11:15am.

The Speaker for this Sunday March 16th is our fearless leader:  Merri Warren

The next Book/Conversation Group meeting is .  We're reading the book:  "."  Starting Chapters 12 this week.Monday March 17th at 6:30pmBringers of the Dawn, Teachings from the Pleiadeans

-----------Upcoming Events----------

Meditation and Sound Bath with 
Singing Bowls, Gong, and crystal Chimes
Sunday March 30th
61 Prospect Ave, 4th Floor, Binghamton NY
Love Offering
For more information or to register,
Call:  232-6410 or e-mail:
Hope to see you there!  ☺

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