Events for
February 28 - March 2nd, 2025

Quote of the Week
“I believe that everything happens for a reason. People change so that you can learn to let go, things go wrong so that you appreciate them when they're right, you believe lies so you eventually learn to trust no one but yourself, and sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together.”
― Marilyn Monroe

Movie Night
Movie:  Hitch
Date:    Friday, February 28th 2025
Time:   7:30pm   (optional:  bring a dish or snack)
Optional:    Yoga and the Movie   ...  Yoga from 6:45 - 7:15pm

Hitch Youtube Trailer

Starring:  Will Smith, Eva Mendes, Kevin James, Amber Valletta
Directed by Andy Tennant
Written by Kevin Bisch
Produced by Will Smith, James Lassiter, Teddy Zee
Genre:  Romance/Comedy/Drama
Length:  118 min

In this romantic comedy, Alex 'Hitch' Hitchens (Will Smith) is a legendary but anonymous date doctor in New York City. Hitch advises klutzy male wallflower clients on ways to make good first impressions on the women of their dreams. To contact Hitch, a man must have a referral from one of his former clients. Once Hitch accepts you as a client, he will coach you on your first three dates; after that, you're on your own 
Hope to see you there!  ☺

30 Main St., Binghamton. 
Sunday, March 2nd
Service begins at 11:30 am in the Eden Room 
Feel free to come early and join Unity folks and FCC congregants for
coffee, snacks and social time, which starts at 11:15am.
  • The Speaker for this Sunday March 2nd is yours truly:  Yogi Edmond

  • The next Book/Conversation Group meeting is Monday March 3rd at 6:45pm.  We're reading the book:  "Bringers of the Dawn, Teachings from the Pleiadeans."  Starting Chapters 5 this week.
St. Patrick's Day Tent Set-Up
March 1st 2025
Volunteers are needed to help setup and/or tear down the tents that FCC uses to serve free hot cocoa and popcorn, and also to sell cookies.  Volunteers are also needed to bake the cookies and bring them to the FCC event on March 1st.
To volunteer or for more information, please contact Merri 607.723.9601

Group Meditation
Sunday, March 2nd, at
2:00 pm
Musical toning from Tom Kenyon's CD entitled:

followed by
Knowledge Cinema
Parallel Realities & Self-Empowerment
Bashar is a being of extraterrestrial origin, a friend from the future who has spoken for the past 30 years through channel, Darryl Anka, bringing through a wave of new information that clearly explains in detail how the universe works and how each person creates the reality they experience. Over the years, thousands of individuals have had the opportunity to apply these principles and see if they really work to change their lives and create the reality that they desire.

-----------Upcoming Events----------

Vishnu's Couch is pleased to present
Kirtan (singing the names of God) with
Sashwata Das and Bakti Vijaya

61 Prospect Ave, 4th Floor, Binghamton NY
Sunday March 16  4:00-6:00pm
Suggested Love Offering:  $10.00

For more information or to register,
Call:  232-6410 or e-mail:
Hope to see you there!  ☺

Vishnu's Couch is pleased to present
Sound Healing with 
Singing Bowls, Gong, and crystal Chimes

61 Prospect Ave, 4th Floor, Binghamton NY
(TBD) Some day in late March
Love Offering

For more information or to register,
Call:  232-6410 or e-mail:
Hope to see you there!  ☺

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