Events for
September 11 - 13th, 2020
Visit our WEBSITE for information on CLASSES, Following is information about things happening this weekend at Vishnu's Couch, along with other local and upcoming events:
Movie Night
Movie: First Contact
Date: Friday, September 11th, 2020
Time: 7:30pm (optional: bring a dish or snack)
Starring: James Woods, Zachary Dean, Daneah Underwood
Written and Directed by: Darryl Anka
Genre: Documentary
Length: 95 min
The true story of Daryl Anka who, after a UFO encounter, became the primary channel for an extraterrestrial entity called BASHAR This is the story of Daryl's first encounter and includes an overview of the basic knowledge that came from his subsequent channeling sessions with Bashar over the past thirty-seven years. This video is one way to prepare us for and facilitate the probability of actual physical contact from extraterrestrials in the near future, starting around (2025-2035)

Hope to see you there! ☺
Group Meditation