Events for
April 27th - 29th, 2018
Visit our WEBSITE for information on CLASSES, Following is information about things happening this weekend at Vishnu's Couch, along with other local and upcoming events:
Movie Night
Movie: Beyond Belief Accessing Spiritual Realms with Eben Alexander
Date: Friday, April. 27th, 2018
Time: 8:00pm (optional: bring a dish or snack)
Optional: Yoga and the Movie ... Yoga from 5:30 - 7:30
Starring: Dr. Eben Alexender and George Noory
Produced by: Gaia
Genre: Interview
Produced by: Gaia
Genre: Interview
Length: 45 min
Everything changed the day Dr. Eben Alexender's battle with a rare form of meningitis threw him into a seven-day coma. When he woke, the Near Death Experience (NDE) he'd had--while his neocortex was completely shut down--challenged him to reconsider everything he thought he know about consciousness and the bain. His adventure to the other side not only helped him to heal himself, but brought him a deep understanding of the connection between emotional and spiritual health. Now, he uses vibration and frequency to help others access states of consciousness without an NDE
Hope to see you there! ☺
-----------Other Local Events---------
Raja Yoga and Satsang
Raja Yoga is the royal yoga that brings the nature of our True Self to our awareness. This awareness cannot be gained through perception or intellectual knowledge, it can only be known through cognition, like the knowledge that I am, that I exist, it needs no proof, but without this knowing, the experience remains limited and misunderstood. Come join us as we explore our True Self through:
Silence, Meditation, Breathing, and gentle relaxing Postures.
at the Indian Cultural Center (ICC) building
1595 Route 26, Vestal NY
Sundays 8:30-10:00am
with Yogi Edmond
Drop-In Cost: $15.00
or $40.00 / month
Bring your own yoga mat!
For more information
Call: 232-6410 or e-mail:
May 29th, at 11:45 am
Speaker: Rev. Diane Sickler
Topic: Understanding Prayer
Topic: Understanding Prayer
Charles Fillmore wrote – “It is our exalted concepts of God and our disparaging beliefs about ourselves that have built a mental wall that separates us from God.”
30 Main Street, Binghamton
For more information, visit the website: Unity in the Southern Tier.
-----------Upcoming Events----------
Theosophical Society Study Group
Meetings are every alternate
Tuesday at 8:00 pm
Next meeting Tuesday, May 1st
61 Prospect Ave., Binghamton
For more info, or to join, contact Tom:
Qi-Gong and Yoga Workshops
May 4th, 5th, and 6th 2018
withMaster Ping Zhen Cheng
and Brother Sharif Anael-Bey
Introduction to Enlightenment Living
May 4th from 6:30 - 8:30pm
Lecture, meditation, and open discussion
Brother Sharif Anael-Bey
To register or for more information,
Contact: Rick Gridley ( or call 607.296.1385
Enlightenment Living Retreat
May 5th and 6th
from 9:30am - 5:30pm each day
This retreat provides a synthesis of various aspects of Yoga, Qigong, traditional Eastern martial arts meditation and transpersonal psychology, including:
* Heart Illumination Yoga, a simple 15-minute energetics and meditation sequence that utilizes 13 simple postures for mind-body-spirit re-alignment.
Lecture, meditation, and open discussion
Brother Sharif Anael-Bey
61 Prospect Ave. 4th Floor
Binghamton, NY 13901
Tuition: $25 suggested donationTo register or for more information,
Contact: Rick Gridley ( or call 607.296.1385
Enlightenment Living Retreat
May 5th and 6th
from 9:30am - 5:30pm each day
Master Ping Zhen Cheng
Master Ping Zhen Cheng
61 Prospect Ave. 4th Floor
Binghamton, NY 13901
* Heart Illumination Yoga, a simple 15-minute energetics and meditation sequence that utilizes 13 simple postures for mind-body-spirit re-alignment.
* Activation of the three spinal energy channels (Nadis) the Ida, Pingala, and Sushumna and the seven primary Chakras to help balance one's energy and consciousness.
* Meditation Formula exercises to harmonize subtle aspects of our physiology and psychology using the Buddhist Heart Sutra taught by Guan-yin (the Mother of Mercy).
Suggested donation: $300 before April 26, $365 after
To Register or for further information:
Contact: Rick Gridley ( or call 607.296.1385
Suggested donation: $300 before April 26, $365 after
To Register or for further information:
Contact: Rick Gridley ( or call 607.296.1385
Vishnu's Couch is pleased to present:
A Poetry Writing Workshop
on the Freedom of Fixed Form
Friday, May 11th from 8:00 - 10:00 pm
with poet
Dr. Joshua Lewis
Come learn how easy it is to write poetry when you understand how to fit your feelings, ideas, observations, and insights into a structured form. The goal of this workshop is to explore the different poetic forms, such as the sonnet, villanelle, and sestina.
For additional info, please contact Edmond at:
607.232.6410, or
Vishnu's Couch is pleased to present:
Poetry NightIn Honor of the Shakespearean Sonnet
Friday, May 18th from 8:00pm
Featuring the poetry of:
Brendan Byrnes
Come enjoy Brendan's sonnets
and optionally, bring one or two of your original or favorite poems to share.
and optionally, bring one or two of your original or favorite poems to share.
In the words of Goethe: "Every day we should hear at least one little song, read one good poem, see one exquisite picture, and, if possible, speak a few sensible words."
For additional info, please contact Edmond at:
607.232.6410, or
What is Dance Wave? A space to move however your body wants to.
Who: People who love to dance! And people who want to find out if they do. No experience or skill needed; doesn't matter what shape your body is in, or how old you are. All abilities, ages, backgrounds, races, religions, cultures, and sexual orientations welcome.
Payment by donation ($10 suggested, but pay what you can.).
For more information, please call Pamela Moss:
Vishnu's Couch Yoga Studio presents
Group Meditation and Satsang Retreat
Seeing that meditation is the most effective means for significant beneficial change in our lives and in the world, simply because it improves the functioning of our most important tool--the brain, and because it is the easiest to implement, we offer this opportunity to dive deeper and marinate longer in the blissful silence of meditation.
The day will consist mostly of sitting meditation punctuated by:
Donations Welcomed
For additional info, please contact Edmond at:
A Bi-Weekly Dance Wave Class
with Pamela Moss
May 19th from 4:00 - 5:15pm
usually meeting the 2nd and 4th Saturday of each month
61 Prospect Ave. 4th floor.
What is Dance Wave? A space to move however your body wants to.
To go within. To be present. To play. To connect with others, without words.
To discover your truth. To find inner peace. To feel welcomed and wonderful!. Let yourself be MOVED by a WAVE of great music from around the world: our music-wave builds from warm up to playful to energetic to exhilarating, then down again to sensual to meditative to deeply relaxing… Whooosh! We dance for 1 hour followed by an optional sharing circle.
Who: People who love to dance! And people who want to find out if they do. No experience or skill needed; doesn't matter what shape your body is in, or how old you are. All abilities, ages, backgrounds, races, religions, cultures, and sexual orientations welcome.
Payment by donation ($10 suggested, but pay what you can.).
For more information, please call Pamela Moss:
Soul Guide; Deep Healing Alchemist; Divine Biz Breakthrough Mentor;
at (607) 372-1676 or email
Dance for the joy of it!
Vishnu's Couch Yoga Studio presents
Group Meditation and Satsang Retreat

Sunday, May 25th
from 1:00pm - 6:00pm.
61 Prospect Ave. 4th Floor
Binghamton, NY 13901
Seeing that meditation is the most effective means for significant beneficial change in our lives and in the world, simply because it improves the functioning of our most important tool--the brain, and because it is the easiest to implement, we offer this opportunity to dive deeper and marinate longer in the blissful silence of meditation.
The day will consist mostly of sitting meditation punctuated by:
rest, relaxation, sound meditation, pranayama, gentle asanas, Satsang, walking meditation, and a light vegan Soup-du-jour.
Join in at any time and stay for as long as you would like.
Join in at any time and stay for as long as you would like.
Donations Welcomed
For additional info, please contact Edmond at:
607.232.6410, or