Events for
August 21st - 23rd, 2015
Visit our website for information on Classes, Note: Following is information about things happening this weekend at the Vishnu's Couch, along with other local and upcoming events.
ACIM Lesson of the Day
Click the following link, and leave your comments or subscribe if you wish
Rudderless Youtube Trailer
....Hope to see you
Movie Night
Movie: Rudderless
Friday August 21at, 2015
Time: 8:00pm (optional: bring a dish or snack)
Staring: Billy Crudup, Felicity Huffman, Anton Yelchin, Laurence Fishburne
Directed By: William H. Macy
Written by: Jeff Robison, Casey Twenter
Producer: Keith Kjarval, Brad Greiner
Genres: Drama
Running Time: 105 min
A former high-profile advertising executive whose life is torn apart by the sudden death of his son discovers a box filled with his son's demo tapes and lyrics. This discovery of his son's musical talent provides the means for Him to deal with his feelings around the tragic loss of his son and to honor his memory..
Directed By: William H. Macy
Written by: Jeff Robison, Casey Twenter
Producer: Keith Kjarval, Brad Greiner
Genres: Drama
Running Time: 105 min
A former high-profile advertising executive whose life is torn apart by the sudden death of his son discovers a box filled with his son's demo tapes and lyrics. This discovery of his son's musical talent provides the means for Him to deal with his feelings around the tragic loss of his son and to honor his memory..
Group Meditation
Sunday August 16th
1:00 - 2:00pm
1:00 - 2:00pm
The musical toning by Tom Kenyon entitled:
This is a special meditation to facilitate the release of stress.
Followed by:
Followed by:
Knowledge Cinema
"Soul Contracts, Twin Flames & Soul Mates Redefined"
Matt Kahn
Matt Kahn is a
spiritual teacher
and highly-attuned empathic healer. His spontaneous awakening arose
out of an out-of-body experience at the age of 8, and his direct
experiences with ascended masters and archangels throughout his life.
He is a bridge between the mystical realms and the path of awakening who
inspires profound spiritual growth and life-changing energetic
expansion to audiences worldwide through a spoken transmission of
presence. For more information, visit Matt at:
"Soul Contracts, Twin Flames & Soul Mates Redefined"
-----------Other Local
Raja Yoga Class and Satsang
Yoga is the royal yoga that brings the nature of our True Self to our
awareness. This awareness cannot be gained through perception or
intellectual knowledge, it can only be known through cognition, like the
knowledge that I am, that I exist, it needs no proof, but without this
knowing, experience remains limited and misunderstood. Come join us as
we explore our True Self through:
Silence, Meditation, Breathing, and gentle relaxing Postures.
Silence, Meditation, Breathing, and gentle relaxing Postures.
at the Indian Community Center (ICC) building
1595 Route 26, Vestal NY
Sundays 8:30-10:00am
with Edmond Cotton
Cost: $ 10.00
Bring your own yoga mat
For more information
Unity In the Southern Tier
August 23rd at 11:30 am
Speaker: Ethelyn Enos.
Speaker: Ethelyn Enos.
30 Main Street, Binghamton
more information, contact:
Barb Parcells: or visit the website: Unity in the Southern Tier
Theosophical Society Study Group
-----------Upcoming Events----------
India Day 2015
1595 Route 26, Vestal NY
Saturday August 22nd
from 12:00 to 6:00pm
from 12:00 to 6:00pm
Free Admission
You can “tune in” and participate in this meditation wherever you may be in the world.
Distance is not an obstacle at this level of consciousness.
For the specific time in your area, you can use a Time Converter or The World Time Clock.
During this thirty minute period it is suggested that you listen to the sound meditation, A Bridge Between the Worlds, which you can locate in the Listening section of our website (
Please download this to your computer before the event rather than using our server to listen to it during the global meditation. To read the complete Hathor message with more background and detail, click here.
For information about the workshop In the Company of Angels at Symphony Space in New York click here or go to the Calendar at If you’d like to join us in person click here for a ticket.
Members: Ian Boccio (voice, bass guitar)
Stephanie Kohler (voice, harmonium)
Joey Dukes (percussion)
Scott Pridgen (percussion)
Jeffrey Lidke (voice, tabla)
Price: $15 door / $10 advance
Space is limited, so call Edmond at 607-232.6410 to reserve a seat.
For more information visit
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